The following methods of training are for building an athlete’s “Work Capacity” which will help the athlete train harder and longer to get greater results. These types of training methods are to be used at the beginning of training and only used up to 4...
These workouts are modified for injured athletes to help keep them in playing-shape while they are going through rehab. When an athlete has a lower body injury, such as a knee injury, an excellent way to keep his or her work capacity at a high level is to perform...
Tabata Intervals are an excellent way to train athletes in a simplistic and efficient manner. Through short and very intense bursts of exercise, athletes will significantly improve both aerobic and anaerbic systems at the same time. This will aid performance as well...
Specific Prehab Prehab workouts are extremely important in preparing your body for the intensity of the sport specific movements you will be performing. It is important to pay special attention to these exercises, and perform them properly and intently, as they are of...