RDL Dumbbell
– power position or jump position
– Lightly touching thighs
– Knees slightly bent
– Arms straight
– Back flat or arched
– Regular grip (or hook grip or straps)
– Focal point straight ahead
– Bend at hips only
– Knee angle stays the same throughout
– Bar descends slowly and under control
– Flat footed throughout with no pressure on toes at all
– Back stays flat or arched throughout
– Lower the weight as far as good technique and flexibility allows
(below the knees to mid-shin)
– Should feel it in the hamstrings throughout
(coaching hint: the athlete should feel it in the hamstrings)
– Arms stay straight throughout
– Focal point straight ahead throughout
– Same as descent but in reverse
– Finish at same position as Start
(keeps low back holding a static position)
You will end movement with a shrug at the top