This is a list of the Muscle Fiber Density Exercises from the Specific Muscle “Fiber Density” Training article
Quad Fast Twitch Method
- Leg Press 45-Degree Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Lying Leg Press Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Lying Leg Press Rack Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Rack Dead HB Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Leg Ext Pad Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
Quad Continuous Slow Twitch Method
- Sissy Squat Band Assisted Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Goblet Squat Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Hindu Squat Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Bodyweight Squat Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Goblet Squat Slant Board Continous Slow Twitch Method
Chest Fast Twitch Method
- Incline Bench Press Isometric Overcoming Isomectric Fast Twitch Method
- Incline Bench BB Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Incline Bench DB Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Fly High to Low Cable/Kaiser Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Incline Bench Press Rack Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
Chest Continuous Slow Twitch Method
- Decline Bench Press DB Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Decline Fly DB Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Bench Press DB Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Chest Cable Fly Low to High Kaiser Continous Slow Twitch Method
Hamstring Fast Twitch Method
- Wall Ball Leg Curl Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Ham Curl Lying Band Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Ham Curl Lying Pad Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Ball Leg Curl Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Glute-Ham Supine Pad Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- GHR Bent-Over Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- GHR Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
Hamstring Continuous Slow Twitch Method
- GHR Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Ham Curl Lying Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Hip Thrust Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Ball Leg Curl Continous Slow Twitch Method
Back Fast Twitch Method
- Pull Up Hang Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch method
- Lat Pulldown AD Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Row Chest Supported Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Row Chest Supported DB Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
Back Continuous Slow Twitch Method
- Lat Pulldown Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Row DB Chest Supported Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Low Cable Row Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Pullover DB Continous Slow Twitch Method
Shoulder Fast Twitch Method
- Shoulder Press Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Shoulder Press DB Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Shoulder Press BB Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
Shoulder Continuous Slow Twitch Method
- Lateral Raise Kaiser Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Lateral Raise DB Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Lateral Raise Cable Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Shoulder Press DB Bottom 1/2 Continuous Slow Twitch Method
Bicep Fast Twitch Method
- Curl EZ Bar Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Chin Up Hang Isometric Yielding Isometric fast twitch method
- Curl EZ Bar Isometric Yielding Isometric fast twitch method
- Curl BB Isometric Yielding Isometric fast twitch method
- Curl DB Isometric Yielding Isometric fast twitch method
Bicep Continuous Slow Twitch Method
- Curls Cable Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Curl EZ Bar Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Curl BB Continous Slow Twitch Method
- Curl DB Continous Slow Twitch Method
Tricep Fast Twitch Method
- Incline JM Press Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Dips Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Tricep OH Rope Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Tricep OH Pin Isometric Overcoming Isometric Fast Twitch Method
- Incline JM Press DB Isometric Yielding Isometric Fast Twitch Method
Tricep Continuous Slow Twitch Method