Wrist Ulnar Flexion / Extension Isometric Overcoming Staggered

Wrist Ulnar Flex/ Ext ISO Ovr Stagg

Coaching Points: 

  • Staggered stance: Instruct the athlete to assume a staggered stance, with one foot slightly in front of the other.
  • Hands and arms behind: Instruct the athlete to position their hands and arms behind their body.
  • Palms facing in: Instruct the athlete to orient their palms inward, facing towards their body. Encourage the athlete to maintain a neutral wrist position to minimize stress on the joints. With implements in hand, press upward against a
  • permanent object: Instruct the athlete to press upward with force against a permanent object using the implements or weights they are holding.

Alternate Exercises

  1. Wrist Roller Staggered
  2. Wrist Flicks
  3. Wrist Radial Flexion Partner Isometric
  4. Wrist Curl Flexion with Barbell or Dumbbells