Optimizing your training focus to keep producing elite results with Triphasic Block Specific Sled Conditioning | xlathlete

Full Article about the Method 

In this video, we look at Sled Push conditioning and how you can use it to improve your performance in sport.  Sled Pushes are a great way to improve lower-body power, explosiveness, and strength while also providing a conditioning effect. We’ll look at how to specifically work Power Strength or Speed in your conditioning to not interfere with your training or maximize results.

DownloadableTriphasic Strength Program/Phase Sled Conditioning

Triphasic Strength Sled Conditioning


Downloadable Triphasic Power Program/Phase Sled Conditioning

Triphasic Power Sled Conditioning


Downloadable Triphasic Speed Program/Phase Sled Conditioning

Triphasic Speed Sled Conditioning