Specific Muscle “Fiber Density” Training: Enhancing Performance Through Focused Fiber Type and Mitochondrial Optimization
Triphasic Training Principle – 4
Key takeaways from this article
- Discover the best way to boost the capacity of both muscle fiber types to maximize results.
- Understand the specific methods for training each type of fiber to achieve optimal adaptations.
- Review the given exercises to customize and adapt them to any gym while maintaining their original significance to gain results.
What is Selective Muscle Fiber Density Training?
Selective Muscle Fiber Density Training (SMFDT) – is a targeted approach to performance training that builds a solid foundation to maximize muscle performance potential and work capacity. It accomplishes this by focusing on the unique capacity properties of our two primary types of muscle fibers: fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. SMFDT is a unique super-method training approach that is applicable to all healthy individuals. Its primary goal is to maximize muscle function and capacity, with a focused application on fast and slow-twitch muscle fibers. This article will delve into the distinct characteristics of these muscle fibers, exploring how they can be trained differently to optimize their function. Additionally, we will examine the role of mitochondrial density in enhancing muscle performance and explain the strategies for increasing this density in each fiber type.
How to use SMFDT super methods
Explore the intricacies of this super method with me and master it like a pro. I’ll guide you through the key methods and provide you with suggestions to customize the program while altering the exercises to make it work exclusively for you. Let’s make it happen!
How to Start, When you’re ready to start training, this is what you do.
To maximize your muscle-building/capacity potential, the first exercise of your routine should be a dynamic movement that targets the desired muscle groups of Fast Twitch Fibers. For instance, if you’re working your chest, opt for heavy lifts like the barbell bench press, incline bench press, dumbbell flies, or cable crossover. Pick a weight that’s roughly 50-60% of your one-rep max or a weight you can perform 24–16 reps with, and hold the exercise in the stretch position for approximately 40 seconds for the first phase of the lift. An example is Incline Bench Isometric example but Holding for 40 Seconds. To properly execute the bench press or incline bench press, ensure the bar remains within an inch of your chest. This technique will enhance the effectiveness of the lift and improve the overall Results of the Fast Twitch Fiber Development. For safety, it’s necessary for a spotter on most lifts, like Bench Press, for this Fast Twitch fiber method part.
Stay tuned for upcoming tips on utilizing overcoming isometrics for an intense method of development. Overcoming isometric bench is pushing against an immovable object like pins or racks for the 40 seconds. Remember, every program can be easily modified to adjust variables to tailor the workout for your equipment, injuries, and ability level. The initial 40-second lift in these two methods might seem tough, but starting with weight and gradually increasing it over the next couple of weeks is recommended. Note that advanced athletes won’t be able to lift the weight after the 40-second isometric period is completed.
What’s Next after the 40-Second Isometric Method?
After just 20 to 40 seconds of rest after completing the initial 40-second set of the fast-twitch fiber method (SMFDT), you can complete the same muscle group with the SMFDT slow-twitch fiber method of (SMFDT). For instance, focus on your chest’s slow-twitch muscle fibers with exercises like decline dumbbell flies or light dumbbell bench press, or dumbbell flies. Remember, the slow-twitch fiber process demands detailed control and gradual movements, so avoid jerking or arresting and opt for controlled, gradual movements. With these easy steps, you can perform the set for 60 seconds and see the real difference in muscle pump and performance capacity over time. This is done with a load of 20 to 30 percent of one Rep max in the Lift of Choice. A helpful rule of thumb to determine the load is to consider how you executed your recent lift. Let’s say your one-rep max for bench press is 300 pounds, and you just held an isometric contraction for 40 seconds with a spotter, using 180-150 pounds (i.e. 60-50% of your one-rep max). After 20 seconds, then starting the Slow twitch part of the system, go to the bench again, and you can reduce this weight by half, meaning you’d be lifting anywhere from 90 to 75 pounds for 60 seconds.
The slow twitch method involves lifting weights that you could handle for 20-30-plus Reps. Incorporating the lighter slow-twitch method into your workout routine, while performed with a slow and controlled technique, results in only 15 to 20 total reps, depending on the length of your levels and the range of motion of the lift you choose. This would be using a 2 count on the up and down motion of most lifts you’re using. It’s worth noting that the range of motion required for a cable crossover is longer than that of a bench press stroke.
At this point, you have completed one set for the chest muscles.
Couple more examples
Leg Press for 40 Seconds (20 Seconds Rest) + Sissy Squat for 60 Seconds
Pull up Isometric for 40 Seconds (20 Seconds Rest)+ Lat Pulldown for 60 Seconds
OH Press Shoulder Press for 40 Seconds (20 Seconds Rest) + Lateral Side Raises for 60 Seconds
Training Considerations for Each Fiber Type:
Fast Twitch Fiber Training:
- The Fast Twitch Method of Selective Muscle Fiber Density Training involves holding 50%-60% of your estimated maximum weight in the bottom position of the lift for 20 to a max of 40 seconds. With the bar just off your chest in a bench press, this creates intense tension and slows oxygen levels in the muscle, making for a highly effective workout. Find detailed guidance below to help make the most of this technique.
Key Coaching Points for Fast Twitch Method
- The fast twitch training method is typically accomplished through the isometric approach. Isometric loading is the optimal technique for recruiting Fast Twitch fibers. By generating tension in the stretched position with a load of 50 to 60 percent, it restricts blood flow, reducing oxygen levels in the muscle. This restriction facilitates the recruitment of FT fibers. Stay tuned for more on this subject in future articles.
- The recommended technique involves reaching the deepest point of the range of motion, where the primary muscle is stretched, to achieve optimal results. With a bench press, the chest (pectoralis Muscle) is stretched. In the Pull up you would hold in the bottom position.
- You can hold the prescribed weight in that deep, stretched position or hold it against an immovable object. (Incline Bench Press Isometric Overcoming Isometric Example)
- One can customize the range of motion for comfort and injuries without compromising on performance or effectiveness. It’s important to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to optimize results.
- To optimize the results of a holding exercise, the weight should be around 50-60% of your Single max weight, and the duration of the hold should be limited to 40 seconds. This approach ensures safety while promoting strength and endurance. Make sure you have a spotter.
- You must exert maximum effort by pushing or pulling against an immovable object. This technique helps to improve mobility and range of motion.
In Selective Muscle Fiber Density Training, – The slow twitch Method is done with a Load of 20 to 30% of the max of the lift you choose and slow and controlled movement for 1 minute, never going fast or jerking the weight; you will stimulate slow twitch muscle fibers and keep increasing the capacity of the Slow twitch fibers. Details and Suggested guidelines are listed below.
Key Coaching Points for the Slow twitch method
- For optimal results with slow twitch method, it is crucial to execute complete and deliberate lifts with control. Remember to take 2 to 4 seconds for each upward and downward motion, depending on your individual range of motion and the specific lift being performed. Keep in mind that certain lifts may have a shorter range of motion and require 2 seconds, while others may take 4 to 5 seconds to complete one phase of the lift.
- As you approach the end of your set, within the last 10 to 15 seconds, you should start feeling a subtle but noticeable burn if you’ve chosen the right amount of resistance. The optimal load for this exercise falls around 20 to 30% of your maximum lifting capacity, a weight that allows you to complete roughly 25 to 30 repetitions. If you find the exercise too easy and don’t experience that slight burn, consider increasing the weight slightly for the following slow twitch set.
- Ideally, when performing a tricep extension when working the triceps, but with the Tricep Extension Slow twitch method, you try to keep the muscle below the heart. This is the opposite of the Tricep Extension Fast twitch method it is beneficial to initially execute a fast overhead version of the lift as demonstrated in the video. Then, transition to the slow twitch method of the exercise. This approach aims to ensure that blood flows into the triceps region below the heart, if feasible.
- A useful guideline is to transition from the fast-switch to the slow-twitch method by using the bench for both exercises by reducing the load on the bench from 180 to approximately 50-40% (90 to 75 LBs)of the weight chosen for the 40-second fast-twitch method. For example, if you used 180 pounds for the bench press fast-twitch isometric exercise, you would decrease the weight to around 90-75 pounds and perform continuous slow movements for the 60-second slow-twitch method on the bench again; this is only if you choose the same exercise.
- It’s important to note that machines are sometimes looked down upon by certain trainers or coaches. However, they can serve as a valuable foundation builder or provide a fantastic alternative to this method.
The Structure of the Workout and Why – Capacity/Endurance vs. Hypertrophy
When structuring your workouts using this method, it’s crucial to consider your goals. Whether you’re designing the program for yourself or someone else, one of its greatest advantages is the development of mitochondrial density. This boosts natural energy levels and enhances muscle work capacity at a local level, a component often overlooked by trainers and athletes alike.
Many individuals I have tested, ranging from high school athletes to world champions, tend to face challenges in muscular endurance when they are out of shape. Surprisingly, it’s not always the cardiovascular system but rather the endurance capacity of the specific task’s muscle group. Nevertheless, the cardiovascular system adapts rapidly to training stimuli.
By utilizing the density method, you can effectively increase the overall capacity of the individual. This method corrects the endurance of the rate limiter within the entire system. After performing the fast and slow twitch exercises (which should take approximately 2 minutes to complete both), it’s important to allow a rest period of six to eight minutes before proceeding to the next set for that muscle group. If the gym is crowded, you can also rotate to another muscle group while allowing the previously worked muscle to recover.
Performing long-duration cycling contradicts hypertrophy training principles. Instead, consider structuring your workout by targeting specific muscle groups. For example, you can start with chest exercises, then transition to back exercises utilizing a fast and slow twitch method. Repeat this cycle 3 to 6 times to promote hypertrophy growth. Remember, rest periods don’t necessarily mean sitting down; they allow time for muscle recovery. To summarize, you can effectively work on 3 to 4 muscles, alternating between fast and slow twitch sets, to build local muscle capacity. Avoid constantly switching between just two muscles, as it may hinder muscle capacity if already well-developed. Let me share a detailed article on this topic with you later.
Let me provide a brief overview of the two methods I’m referring to:
- Mitochondrial Density Method (SMFDT):
– Rest for 6-8 minutes between each muscle set.
– Complete one block consisting of 3-4 sets of exercises.
– Perform one set for each of the four muscles:
– Chest: 40 seconds of the Fast Twitch method, followed by 60 seconds of the Slow Twitch method.
– Back: 40 seconds of the Fast Twitch method, followed by 60 seconds of the Slow Twitch method.
– Shoulders: 40 seconds of the Fast Twitch method, followed by 60 seconds of the Slow Twitch method.
– Abs: 40 seconds of the Fast Twitch method, followed by 60 seconds of the Slow Twitch method.
– Repeat the entire block for 3 to 6 sets to enhance capacity and local muscle endurance.
- Hypertrophy Method within (SMFDT):
– Rest for 2 to 3 minutes between each muscle set.
– Complete one block consisting of 2 sets of exercises.
– Perform one set for each of the four muscles:
– Chest: 40 seconds of the Fast Twitch method, followed by 60 seconds of the Slow Twitch method.
– Back: 40 seconds of the Fast Twitch method, followed by 60 seconds of the Slow Twitch method.
– Repeat the entire block 3 to 6 times. By following these methods, you can optimize your training routine and achieve the desired goals effectively.
Now back to the inside Magic- The Mitochondria
Fiber Density Training (SMFDT) – Mitochondrial density in muscles plays a vital role in promoting overall health and well-being. Mitochondria are the powerhouse of cells, responsible for generating adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the body. With higher mitochondrial density, muscles can efficiently produce more ATP, enabling enhanced physical performance and endurance. (SMFDT), is one of the most measurable methods that increases mitochondrial density and not only improves muscular strength and endurance but also has systemic benefits. Increased mitochondrial density is associated with better metabolic health, as it improves the body’s ability to utilize glucose and fatty acids, thereby reducing the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, higher mitochondrial density has been linked to improved cardiovascular function and better oxygen utilization, leading to enhanced heart health and a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. Overall, utilizing Fiber Density Training (SMFDT) to maximize mitochondrial density in muscles and through regular physical activity contributes to improved health, increased longevity, and a higher quality of life.
Different combinations of this workout can be utilized effectively, especially while traveling or in hotel gyms. Modify it as necessary. This method can serve as a finishing touch to your scheduled workout, providing an extra push to specific muscles or groups. Athletes may find it beneficial to incorporate this at the end of the week or as part of their final day of training for a particular body part. Manual laborers, whose work primarily involves slow twitch muscles, can adjust the workout to focus on fast twitch movements. Remember, it’s about tailoring the exercises to suit your needs.
Below is a link to the XLathlete app – Free Chest, biceps, and triceps version of the Workout
FREE Fiber Density Workout Chest, chest, and Trap XLathlete APP
Listed below are the novice workouts for the XL Athlete app.
Fiber Density Total Body Split 3-Day Plan Level 1 – 4 WEEKS
Fiber Density Anterior & Posterior Split 4-Day Plan Level 1 – 4 WEEKS
Fiber Density Upper Lower Arms Split 6-Day Plan Level 1- 4 WEEKS
Listed below are the intermediate workouts for the XL Athlete app.
Fiber Density Total Body Split 3 Day Plan Level 3 – 4 WEEK
Fiber Density Anterior & Posterior Split 4-Day Plan Level 2 – 4 WEEKS
Fiber Density Upper Lower Arms Split 6-Day Plan Level 2 – 4 WEEKS
Listed below are the Advanced workouts for the XL Athlete app. (High Volume)
Fiber Density Total Body Split 3-Day Plan Level 4 – 4 WEEKS
Fiber Density Anterior & Posterior Split 4-Day Plan Level 4 – 4 WEEKS
Fiber Density Anterior & Posterior Split 4-Day Plan Level 3 – 4 WEEKS
Fiber Density Upper Lower Arms Split 6-Day Plan Level 4 – 4 WEEKS
Fiber Density Anterior & Posterior Split 4-Day Plan Level 3 – 4 WEEKS
There are several reasons why this method works astonishingly well, but alas! I won’t divulge everything just yet. Rest assured, in the near future, the reasons will be revealed. The only reason for this is we have to beware, for there are vultures lurking on social media, possessing vast information but little wisdom. They may plunder and share remarkable tidbits, but beware, for they are but imposters of originality. True honesty lies in disclosing the modifications they wrought upon the information they disseminate, misleading us from its genuine source. We consider including them in a blog post,which may make them they might feel a bit uneasy if they see their past being brought up! HAHA
Articles coming soon on this subject.
A curated list of places, times, and locations to use this method.
- Post Practice to build capacity
- Return to play to build work capacity in muscles
- Finisher after a workout for specific muscles
- Game day workout for Non-Gamers to increase fitness
- In Hotel Gym workouts while traveling
- To Increase work capacity for specific Muscles
- Rehab Specific muscles from Surgery
- Remodel fascia
- Improve posture
The Specific Muscle Fiber Density Training method was inspired by the work of Dr. Виктор Селуянов, a Russian engineer, biologist, and computer modeling expert who led research that resulted in various findings and the creation of his method for understanding muscle fiber and human performance. Our research shows some different results from the concepts created by Dr. Селуянов, Which led to the concepts in the Article and also many future concepts to Come. We thank Dr. Виктор Селуянов (Viktor Seluyanov) for His work!!