Title: Understanding and Correcting Hip Extension Patterns in Athletic Training
In the realm of athletic training, achieving optimal performance is a primary goal for coaches and athletes alike. A critical aspect of this is understanding and harnessing the correct sequence of hip extension patterns, as discussed in the “Triphasic Training Exercise Manual.” In this article, we will delve into the importance of the hip extension pattern, its impact on athletic performance, and methods for identifying and correcting improper patterns.
The Hip Extension Pattern
The hip extension pattern represents the sequence in which energy should transfer through the body during various movements, particularly in activities like running and jumping. The ideal sequence starts with the glutes firing, followed by the hamstrings, and then the calf muscles and foot and ankle. This seamless flow of energy through these muscle groups is crucial for generating power, speed, and efficiency in athletic endeavors.
Identifying Correct Hip Extension Patterns
In the correct hip extension pattern, the glutes are the primary initiators, followed by the hamstrings and then the contralateral quadratus lumborum (QL). This pattern has proven to be paramount in achieving peak performance in athletes from various sports.
Consequences of an Incorrect Pattern
When athletes fail to exhibit the correct hip extension pattern, several issues can arise. One common deviation is a hamstring-dominant pattern where energy is channeled from the hamstring, bypassing the glute muscles. This faulty pattern can lead to hamstring injuries, especially when athletes overstride during activities like sprinting.
Another deviation involves the contralateral QL, hamstring, and then glute firing pattern. Athletes experiencing this pattern may encounter lower back tightness and discomfort, potentially leading to mobility restrictions and even future disc problems.
The Role of Core Bracing – Causing a Bad Pattern
Surprisingly, excessive core bracing can also contribute to an incorrect hip extension pattern. Athletes who excessively brace their abdominals during movements may inadvertently activate the QL and hamstrings before the glutes, disrupting the optimal sequence of energy transfer.
Methods for Correcting Hip Extension Patterns
The good news is that correcting improper hip extension patterns doesn’t have to be a lengthy, arduous process. Coaches and athletes can use specific cues and exercises to facilitate the right sequence of muscle activation.
To rectify an improper hip extension pattern quickly, two effective methods can be applied. The first involves utilizing RPR (Reflexive Performance Reset), while the second method incorporates the principle of toe glue reflex, which is discussed in detail in the linked video. Both approaches offer effective solutions for addressing this issue.
Breathing patterns can also play a role in correcting hip extension patterns. Encouraging athletes to adopt a belly breathing technique can help reduce sympathetic activation of the diaphragm and psoas, ultimately aiding in better glute activation.
A way to test an athlete’s Hip Extension pattern
Understanding and correcting hip extension patterns is crucial for optimizing athletic performance and preventing injuries. Coaches and athletes should prioritize identifying and addressing any deviations from the ideal glute-hamstring-QL firing sequence. By using targeted cues, exercises, and breathing techniques, athletes can enhance their performance and reduce the risk of injury, ultimately achieving their full potential in their respective sports.