Recovery Protocol: Two Game Weekend
(Recovery Day in Between)
Follow these steps to complete the protocol:
- Note: Athlete should complete light warm up or walk early in the morning prior to breakfast
Day 1:
Post-Game 1 (Parasympathetic Re-activation)
- Five to Ten Flush Bike Ride (HR between 100-120)
- Dive Response (warm water in mouth, ice on face while holding breath)
- Wall Leg Shakes
- Band Hip Stretching
- Band Traction or Glute Ham Hang
- Roll Out (If wanted)
- NormaTec
- Individualized Supplementation
- Protein intake (post-game meal)
- Casein intake (pre-bed)
- Carb re-loading (post-game meal)
- NormaTec
Day 2:
Post-Pre-Game Practice (Parasympathetic Re-activation)
- Wall Leg Shakes
- Band Traction or Glute Ham Hang
- NormaTec
Day 3:
Pre-Game 2
- Standard Warm Up
Three Options for Recovery on Sunday:
- Sauna protocol
- Epsom salt bath protocol
- 20 to 30 minute nasal breathing only walk
- Barefoot if possible
- During sunset after last meal of day if possible
- Listen to binaural beats
- Listen to Oms after