Bench Press 1080 2-Board Close-Grip NXCIT
Bench Press 1080 2-Board CG NXCIT
- Coaching Points
- Grip Bar with Mixed Grip: Ensure that you have a mixed grip on the bar, with one hand in a pronated (overhand) position and the other hand in a supinated (underhand) position. This grip helps to enhance your grip strength and stability during the lift.
- Supinated Hand Opposite to Flexed/Forward Leg: Make sure that the hand with the supinated grip (palm up) is opposite to your flexed or forward leg. This positioning creates a balanced and stable foundation for the lift.
- Grip Bar 2-3 Inches Narrower than Max Strength Position: Set your grip on the bar about 2-3 inches narrower than your usual maximum strength position. This narrower grip allows for greater activation of the muscles involved in the lift and can enhance your power output.
- Lower Bar Quickly with Control: When initiating the movement, focus on lowering the bar quickly but under control. Maintain tension throughout your body and engage your core to stabilize the movement. This controlled descent helps to generate elastic energy that can be utilized during the upward phase of the lift.
- Press with Intent to Move Bar as Fast as Possible: During the concentric (lifting) phase, emphasize pressing the barbell with the intention of moving it as fast as possible. This explosive movement recruits fast-twitch muscle fibers and can help develop power and speed.
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