Recovery Approaches Featuring BFR



Prior to beginning method complete:

  1. Perform your prescribed individualized Vestibular Activation Reset (VAR)
Integration Strategies

Pre-workout warm up:

    1. Simple calisthenics or multi-joint full range of motion exercises followed by stretching
    2. High pressure/high tension, not focusing on sets/reps or exercising to failure, just doing a normal routine
      • (Approximately 10-15 minutes in duration)

Skill training:

    1. Apply BFR to pre-fatigue the body first (arms/legs together)
    2. 15 – 20 minutes to failure
    3. Then do skill specific training movements without the bands (throwing/shooting/etc.) with body in a pre-fatigued state
    4. The purpose is to practice mental focus and neuro-motor training as one would experience in the last minutes or competition without beating the body up to get into that state
    5. S&C training session “top-off”
    6. Normal weight training session except remove the heavy lifts at the end, replace them with 20-30% 1RM type loads, and do BFR to total failure (safely)

Cool down routine:

  1. Light weight to failure (post workout / post competition)
  2. Multi joint, full range of motion exercises (sport specific)
  3. High tension/high pressure
  4. Eight to ten minutes total time
    • Purpose is to get the big anabolic/rebuilding response into the blood stream to accelerate the repair process

Recovery day:

  1. Weight training replacement workouts 
  2. Multi-joint, full range of motion exercises (sport specific) 
    • 15-20 minutes total time
    • 20-30% of 1RM to total failure
    • Three sets of :30 – :45 on / :20 – :30 off 
  3. The athlete can also use 30 reps as a good scheme
    • Failure is defined when form breaks down or can’t complete a “good” rep

Endurance Work:

  1. Stationary bicycle
    • Intervals (:60 for example) at high resistance with B STRONG to failure
    • Loads are higher, but failure comes sooner (less # intervals) so overall work volume and wear and tear reduced
  2. Fartlek running
    • 800m
    • Walk/jog recovery for :30
    • 400m
    • Walk/jog recovery for 30s
    • 200m
    • Walk/jog recovery for 30s
    • 100m
    • Walk/jog recovery

Recovery Routines:

    1. Post-workout/competition
      • Same day
      • 8-10 minutes total time
      • Light body weight workout 
      • Three sets/exercise, each set :30 – :45 or ~30 reps with 20-30s rest in between to failure
      • Multi-joint, full range of motion exercises followed by stretching (with bands on or off)
    2. Day after competition
      • 10-15 minutes total time
      • Sport specific exercises 
      • Multi-joint full range of motion bodyweight workout to failure
        • (Ex: 5-minute jog, speed skaters, planks, hip bridges, pushups, RDLs, resistance band curls)

Swimming routine:

  1. 10 – 15 minutes total time
  2. Tread water for :60s
  3. 10 x intervals
  4. :20 rest in between

Swimming routine:

  1. 10 – 15 minutes total time
  2. Aqua jogging/full body movement exercises using resistance of water + speed of motion as the load
  3. :30 – :60 on, :30s off
    • (Ex: curls using water as resistance, internal/external rotation using water as resistance, kicking on edge of pool, side stepping across pool, high knees)


Methods that can be completed prior:

  1. Reflexive Performance Reset Pre-Recovery
  2. Listening to Oms
  3. Listening to Binaural Tones
  4. Eucalyptus Implementation
  5. EPO Release Methods


After completing protocol; here are some complementary methods:

  1. Sauna Protocol
  2. Closed Chain Health Bouncing – Lymphatic Care
  3. Stim or Compex Protocol