Bench Press 1080 NXCIT

Bench Press 1080 NXCIT

Coaching Points

    • Grip Bar with Mixed Grip: Make sure to establish a solid grip on the bar with both hands. The mixed grip involves having one hand in an overhand (pronated) position and the other hand in an underhand (supinated) position. Ensure that your grip is secure and comfortable, allowing you to maintain control throughout the movement.
    • Supinated Hand Opposite to Flexed Leg: If you’re performing a unilateral movement, where one arm is engaged while the other is free, position your supinated hand (palm up) opposite to the flexed leg. This positioning helps with creating stability and balance during the exercise.
    • Lower Bar Quickly with Control: As you lower the bar, maintain control and focus on maintaining proper form.
      Avoid dropping the weight too quickly or losing control, as this can increase the risk of injury. Aim for a controlled descent, maintaining tension in the muscles involved in the movement.
    • Press with Intent to Move Bar as Fast as Possible: When pressing the bar, focus on generating as much power and speed as possible. Engage the appropriate muscles, such as the upper body and core, to drive the bar upwards explosively. Emphasize the intent to move the bar quickly, while still maintaining control and proper form.


Alternate Exercises:

  1. Bench press AFSM with bands
  2. Bench Press DB Oscillatory
  3. Bench Press Bands Reactive
  4. Bench Press Oscillatory