Lat Pulldown Banded Advantageous Oscillatory NXCIT

Lat Pulldown Bnd  AD OC NXCIT

  • Coaching Points
    • Grip: Ensure you have a secure and comfortable grip on the equipment or bar using the mixed grip, where the palm of one hand faces away and the other hand faces toward you. This grip can provide better stability and control during the exercise.
    • Leg Position: Position your legs as instructed, with one leg flexed (forward) and the other leg extended (back). Maintain a stable stance with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Same leg frrward will have the same side palm facing forward.
    • Top-Half Focus: Concentrate on the top half of the exercise, where you perform the rapid and forceful pulls. This may involve pulling a weight toward your body or executing a pulling motion with your upper body. Ensure that you maintain proper form and control while generating power and speed in this portion of the movement.