Nasal Breathing and Belly Breathing Tips
Prior to beginning method complete:
Here are a couple tips to passively increase nasal breathing efficiency:
- Add nasal dilators during sleep for enhanced recovery
- While lying, pay close attention to ensure that the tongue remains on the base of the mouth to enhance diaphragmatic breathing and sympathetic nervous system response
- Tape mouth at night
Methods that can be completed prior:
- Reflexive Performance Reset Pre-Recovery
- Listening to Oms
- Listening to Binaural Tones
- Eucalyptus Implementation
- EPO Release Methods
After completing protocol; here are some complementary methods:
- 20 Minute Walk
- 20 Minute Bike
- Sauna Protocol
- NormaTec Recovery System
- Closed Chain Health Bouncing – Lymphatic Care
For an extensive dive into nasal breathing check out sections 10.0 and 11.0 in Triphasic Training: Manual to Elite Aerobic Health; Implementation and Concepts of General Preparation Phases